11 Plus Tuition

One to One Tutoring
£40 per hour
We take a comprehensive and collaborative approach in creating a plan and program that is personalised for every student. All children are different and will have varying strengths and weaknesses. Adjusting our tuition to different personalities and specific academic needs, we always find what works best. For the maximum benefit, one-to one tutoring takes place face to face, in person.
Small Group Tutoring
(2-4 children per group)
£25 per hour
Learning with a peer can often be a successful approach to tuition as children can work with each other to understand and solve problems together. Unlike some other tutoring services offering large group sizes of 10-20 students, we do believe that small groups work best. We limit the class sizes to a maximum of 4 children to ensure that each child can also receive the individual help and assistance that they need. Group tutoring takes place face to face, in person, in a classroom setting.
Mock Exams​
The next dates are:
Saturday 29th March 2025
9:30am-12pm – Verbal and Non-Verbal reasoning
Sunday 30th March 2025
9.30am-12pm – Maths and English
£30 (2.5 hours)
We offer monthly practice and mock exams to help prepare your child for the real thing. These take place on the last weekend of each month and are run under timed, exam conditions and followed by comprehensive analysis and group, peer-to-peer discussion. Not only are they a valuable learning experience but they also help reduce any stress or anxiety a child may have about the actual exam as they will know what to expect and be more confident going into it. You do not need to be a regular student to attend a mock exam session.